Workshop: Inuit Influencing International Shipping: Inuit Voices and the IMO


February 09, 2023



Inuit Influencing International Shipping: Inuit Voices and the IMO – Roundtable Discussion

What is the state of Inuit involvement in international shipping? What are Inuit communities doing when it comes to marine environmental protection, monitoring, and sustainable development initiatives? With shipping set to increase, it is more important than ever to give a platform to Inuit voices working close to this issue.

This all-Inuit roundtable discussion will draw on various experiences and efforts from the community, regional, and international level to navigate these complex questions.

Speakers include:

  • Lisa Qiluqqi Koperqualuk (Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada, President)
  • Adamie Delisle-Alaku (Makivvik Corporation, Vice-President)
  • Alex Ootoowak (Oceans North, Field technician, Mittimatalik/Pond Inlet)

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